Finn, played by English Actor John Boyega, served under Kyle Ren and Captain Phasma as a stormtrooper in Disney/Lucas Film blockbuster movies The Force Awakens (2015) and The Last Jedi (2017). However, Finn then moved to the Resistance and helped them to fight The First Order in the ultimate war of the stars. FN-2187 was born to be trained and serve the First Order and Dark Side as a stormtrooper, but a skirmish on the planet of Jakku awakened his conscience and drove him down a different path, one that proved both heroic and dangerous. Finn is known for his trademark leather jacket and his incredible escape alongside the iconic X-Wing Fighter, Pilot Poe Dameron. Wear the jacket of power today and prove your connection to the Force as you fight with the Resistance
- Digitally Printed Top
- Attached Mock Jacket
- Pants with printed detail
- This is an officially licensed Star Wars product
Please note - This is a Clearance product and is not eligible for Return.